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Thanks for helping us donate $200k

Over 131,000 Belong customers voted to decide how $200,000 would be distributed among six amazing organisations who are working hard to help the planet.

That means each group can do more work revegetating parts of Australia, supporting communities or caring for Country.

Check out the FAQs below to see the good the donations will do.

Community support

Both the Thin Green Line Foundation and the Australian Red Cross Humanitech Lab received $30k.


Junior Landcare and Earthwatch received $60k each.

Caring for Country

The North Australian Indigenous Land & Sea Management Alliance and the Indigenous Desert Alliance received $10k each.

What else are we doing

Circular economy

Globally, people binned 53 million tonnes of e-waste in 2019. We want to make it easier to reuse and recycle your gadgets.

Learn about the circular economy
Learn about the circular economy

Green tips

If you want to live a more sustainable life, we’ve got the tips and tricks to help you get it done (especially when it comes to tech).

Check out some green tips
Check out some green tips

Frequently asked questions